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Learning Newsletters

There’s lots of ways to keep up-to-date on what is happening in school!

We email out a weekly newsletter every Friday, as well as two ‘curriculum newsletters’ every term – one at the start of the half-term (with information about what children will be covering), and one at the end of the half-term (with a summary of all their great learning!). We are a paperless school, so all newsletters are emailed out – although we do place a small number of copies in the main reception. You can find all of our weekly newsletters on our main home page.

Curriculum Newsletters

Click below for our latest curriculum newsletters.


Y6 Curriculum Newsletter

Y6 Curriculum Newsletter

End of SPR2 Newsletter

Start of SUM1 Newsletter

Y5 Curriculum Newsletter

Y5 Curriculum Newsletter

End of SPR2 Newsletter

Start of SUM1 Newsletter

Y4 Curriculum Newsletter
Y3 Curriculum Newsletter
Y2 Curriculum Newsletter
Y1 Curriculum Newsletter
FS2 Curriculum Newsletter

How To Keep Up-To-Date

As well as our weekly newsletter and half-termly curriculum newsletters, we also regularly post to X (Twitter) with various updates on things happening in school. Follow us at @ChurchfieldPrim

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